We are grateful for unwavering support from our members and allies.
TCE’s history is one of constant change. But even as our strategic focus and campaigns have shifted to reflect changing circumstances and priorities, support from our members and allies has been unwavering. We are immensely grateful for the support you provide as we continue fighting alongside Texas communities for a future free from pollution.
2023 revenue total: $452,068
Major gifts & grants
Grassroots contributions from individual Texans
Fundraising events
2023 expense total: $455,754
Environmental advocacy, organizing & education
Managing TCE
Fundraising to sustain TCE
TCE is recognized as a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. The 501(c)(4) designation allows TCE to lobby legislators and other elected and appointed officials. For this reason, contributions to TCE are not tax-deductible. TCE’s sister organization, Texas Campaign for the Environment Fund (TCE Fund), is incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to engage people and organizations through research, public education campaigns and programs that promote healthy, safe communities. TCE Fund’s 501(c)(3) designation means contributions are 100% tax-deductible. Click here to visit TCE Fund.